Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I consider using a billing agency?

Often referring accounts to a billing agency will allow your staff to handle more pressing matters and provide better patient services. Selecting certain accounts and/or pay types for referral will allow your staff to concentrate on the accounts that remain in-house for follow-up. MRB is performance driven and prides itself on its level of professionalism and client support services.

Can I ultimately save money by using a billing agency?

Yes, MRB will accelerate your cash flow, reduce your days in receivable and ultimately reduce your cost of collections. Our goal is to make outsourcing efficient and affordable. On average, a significant amount of each dollar collected is retained by your facility.

Does it matter if I use a billing agency located out-of-state?

It absolutely does not matter where your billing agency is located. MRB prides itself on its ability to interface with any computer system and will make ourselves readily available to meet with your staff regardless of your location.

How do I choose a reputable billing agency?

A proven track record and reputable client list is essential when evaluating a billing agency. At MRB, many of our clients have been with us since our inception and we encourage all perspective clients to request a contact reference list.

What makes MRB different from other billing agencies?

Since MRB specializes in certain types of pay groups, your claims will be assigned to a biller who's expertise is in one particular pay source. To ensure the best possible collection results, pay groups are never co-mingled. In addition, MRB will never outsource your claims. All claims are handled in our office located in Long Island, New York.

How large is MRB and how accessible are they once I've signed on?

There are over 50 dedicated professionals on staff, trained to understand your business and your needs. Your account representative is always ready to help you with any questions, requests and information and can be reached via email or by phone. We take the time to get to know your business and believe that bringing a personal approach to your account will help make your business successful.


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Medical Receivables Billing Group | Uniondale, NY | 516.227.6330 |
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